please do

On Sat, 27 Mar 1999, Devin King wrote:

> yes yes...give us phuerton
> -devin
> >hmm...I hope that makes sense. It's pretty easy. If you know how the song goes
> >you should be able to figure it out. If you want to know phuerton skeutro then
> >tell me. That's pretty easy, too.
> >Matthew  

  __| | __ ___   _____ 
 / _` |/ _` \ \ / / _ \
| (_| | (_| |\ V /  __/
 __,_|__,_| _/ ___|

          :; `:.  .:'  :;     .;'  :' |
:.        :;   `:.:'    ::  .;'   :'  |            Meet Me There
:::;:.    :;     `       ;.''    :'   |             In The Blue
 `:. ``;:.:;  ..:::''''''::..   :'   .|         Where Words Are Not
   `:.   `` .;''           ``;. :.::``|           Feeling Remains
     `:    ::                 :: `   .|             And I Dream
 ..::`    ::          :;  :;   ::  .;'|         To Heal Your Wounds
;''       ::   .:'    ::  ::`:.:: :'  |         But I Bleed Myself
...       ::     `:         ;' :: `::.|           I Bleed Myself
 ``:::...  ::      `::....::  ::     `|
      ```:  `;...     ```` ..;'  ::'''|         -In Circles- -SDRE-
        :`    ```::,,,,,,::''     `:  |

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