Ok guys and girlys...sorry to have started off my posting with such a non
sdre, kind of mean post. Im just a really big fan of great music and when
people knock great songwriters (like blake from jets) I get all huffy and feel
the need to go pet my cat.

I had the pleasure of seeing sdre play twice now. The first time was in SF and
that was just wonderful...I think after leaving the show, everyone was in so
much bliss that world peace looked a little more attainable : ) the second
time was a smaller show in Santa Cruz. This was the show I liked better,
mainly because Jeremy looked like he was really enjoying it.  Anyhoo sdre has
been a favorite of mine since I first picked up their CD in 94 and im so happy
to see that they have such a rad group of people that love their music.

Now im going to recommend you all buy a cd. Its called Isola and its buy a
band called Kent. IF any of you have it...please let me know how you feel
about  it. Its kind of radioheadish, kind of cardigans, kind of verve. SO
good. Makes me cry. ahhh so eem. hahaha. Definitely one of the top 3 albums
this year. 

Take care and i hope to be writing more if you shall have me.
be good: )

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