hey listers. =)

well, i tried doing this last night, but apparently i screwed up when 
typing in the address or something cuz it never went to the list 
apparently. so i'll try again.
similar to deacon's age survey, i'm curious as to where all the listers 
are from. so i'm gonna ask that everyone e-mail me with their location, 
city and state (or country if outside the U.S.). i'll put together some 
kind of chart with all the data and post it to the list. i'll take 
e-mails from now thru april 11th and post shortly after that. 
hope people other than me are interested in this and will take part. 
talk at ya all later. take care. =)



"don't tell me now
 the dreams i've had
 to fill it up
 but spill instead"

                      -Jeremy Enigk

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