I think that the thing that everyone seems to forget so easily is that
this e-mail list was created specifically for Sunny Day Real Estate.
Therefore, it's easy for Brian to seem like this evil censor-happy
dictator, but the truth is, it's stated clearly in the first e-mail you
get from this list that off topic posts are not welcome. If you want to
discuss another band witha fellow list member, their e-mail address's are
right there in front of you. 
I'm not condemning the guy who posted about JTB, because I've made my
share of off-topic posts too. I'm not brown nosing either. I'm just
saying, it shouldn't be such a shock to anyone that Brian wants to keep
this list focused on Sunny Day Real Estate, since that's what it was
created for. 
I'm sure there's a Jets To Brazil list somewhere. If their isn't, there's
always the emo-l.
If you have a beef with what I said:

"...I wanted to be them, but instead I destroyed myself..."
deacon douglas, 40Watt Graphics and Design

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