Dude! Dude! I was off the list for about a month and heard about the sdre
tribute in #sdre. I was all: That is such a good idea! Why? Because,
everyone has a different take on the songs, and it would be cool to hear
what they feel deserves notice. I've been on other lists that have made
successful tributes to the bands, but i never gave a shit. Part of the
reason I'm interested in hearing a sdre tribute album is because I too,
doubt anyone could do it as well as sdre. But thats not the point, the
point is to give the band props for a good job. Like, if someone covers
48, I would assume the song means a lot to them and i would hope they
would give it their all. They would want to show this to sdre and other
sdre fans, and im pretty damn excited to hear it. 


On Thu, 1 Apr 1999, jacob caton wrote:

> > whoever is organizing the sdre cover/tribute album please email me
> > privately. i forgot is doing this and lost my old email messages. thank
> > you much.
> That is the worst idea ( cover/tribute ) i have ever heard... Only sunny
> day could ever do sunny day.. Geeze...
> >
> >

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