The idea that major labels look for music that is "retardedly easy" is probably
the silliest thing I've ever heard.  If that was true, then Beat Happening would
be HUGE.  The Vaselines would be selling out staduims left and right.  Do we see
that happening?  No.  Sure, Nirvana songs are easy to play, and many other bands
have easy songs as well (Bush, Foo Fighters, etc...), but Jawbox was on a major
and their songs are anything but easy.  When was the last time you sat down and
played a Sonic Youth song?
If the majors want to find bands that play easy songs so their listeners can feel
good when they play them, then who wants to start a band with me?  All of our
songs will only have the following chords: E, A, and B7.  That way, we're
destined for success!

Matthew Adamson


> what about soundgarden, what about radiohead.... is their music "retardly"
> easy to play?  They are signed to major labels and I don't think their
> musical integrity was infringed upon because they were/ are on  major labels.
>  I do not disagree with the fact that Nirvana's music was very easy to play,
> but it is wrong to say that all major labels look for "retardly" easy music.

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