Hello everyone, I went to the show tonight at the HUB and it was incredible!
Just to answer all questions about the "new song played during the sound
check", it was not played.  My friend and I got the set list, and it wasn't
even written and then scratched out.  It is exciting to know that there is
something new out there, but what they did play was amazing as always.  My
friend and I got to stand up on the sound board platform to video and take
pictures due to the kindness and coolness of the one and only Greg
Williamson.  If you're reading this, thanks again Greg!!  Now that I'm
thinking of it the opening bands (Stella Maris and Death Cab for Cutie) were
actually quite good themselves, but by the time the guys had started Pillars
I had forgotten anything beforehand.  So, here's the setlist as given to us
by Greg and played by SDRE:

Pretty much the standard fare of Sunny Day intense and inspiring songs.  The
"j'nuh" part of J'nuh is always different everytime I see them.  It was
awesome as always.  But the biggest change was a new "loud" portion of Days
Were Golden.  Will is usually playing his intricate rim-tap thing basically
the whole time, but he slammed away on the cymbals and the whole song got
loud for a while, I think Jeremy added another verse, but I'm not sure.
Needless to say it was very cool and then they finished it out with Jeremy
putting down his guitar, singing the extra verse he usually does (and I
never understand :) and then everyone leaving except Will.  He slammed away
on his set while the audience clapped along with and once he felt he had
done his work he left as well.  The show was definitely a good one and the
crowd was really cool.  Harldy a mosher was to be seen and only during In
Circles did I see a large number of people jumping up and down, but nothing
that was obnoxious.  The guys were very into the songs (as always) and I
can't really think of much else to say because it hasn't really hit me how
cool it all was.  It is now very late and I really need to get to sleep so
that I can study in the AM for a psych test which I would have been studying
for earlier this afternoon/evening, but I had more important things to tend
to. :-)

Andy Lewis

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