hey y'all, the site tour page has been updated.  I don't read what goes on
here a whole lot anymore.  Prolly old news by now, but now it's official
news.  Japan dates have altered slightly.  US and Canada dates are up now.
Read the site News page for specifics.

Stressed out over finals week - brian

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 `:. ``;:.:;  ..:::''''''::..   :'   .| Ansigod
   `:.   `` .;''           ``;. :.::``| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     `:    ::                 :: `   .| http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~bpmccal/
 ..::`    ::          :;  :;   ::  .;'| .../~bpmccal/sdre.html
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 ``:::...  ::      `::....::  ::     `| .../~bpmccal/hollow.html
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SDRE    :`    ```::,,,,,,::''     `:  |

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