Hey there!

I'm the newest nuisance to the list here.  My name's Mike Wilson, and I
love Sunny Day Realestate, and I'm willing to wager that there's
probably one or two of you that's receiving this that like's em too.  Go
on you can admit it.  So anyways, went to see 'em on Monday for the
first time, and they were incredible.  Good god I had no idea they would
be that good live.  They totally weren't what I was expecting.  I was
expecting something much more laid back, not that I'm complaining in the
slightest.  anywho, when they were playing Every Shining Time You
Arrive, I shut my eyes, wrapped my arms around my girlfriend, and got so
caught up in the music that everthing else just melted away.  The band
and all the fans just ceased to exist.  It was only me, Sarah, and the
glorious music, and I was genuinely surprised when I opened my eyes to
find everyone else there.  It was pretty trippy.  Anyways, better go
now, just thought I'd introduce myself.  Oh, and what was that 4th of
July thing that somone mentioned?  


"Privacy, he said, was a very valuable thing.  Everyone wanted a place
where they could be alone occasionally.  And when they had such a place,
it was only common courtecy in anyone else who knew of it to keep his
knowledge to himself"
     - George Orwell's "1984"

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