<< Re: the July 3rd show in SF.... does ANYONE have specific info? brian? why 
is this date not on the official site? have tickets gone on sale yet? anyone 
on the list going to this gig? gettin ansy...ana.  >>

===>>>  If i'm in town, i'll be going...   But most likely i'll be outta here 
by then   =(    ...     Which is alright i guess, how often do we get to 
travel....     /  ...   how often do we see sdre...     well it is a pretty 
close match, but sorry guys i think traveling sounds a little more appealing 
right now  ....   heh heee     (it's always nice to get away isn't it?)       
 ~>    jessica                

(i know this is very much not sdre related, but just to add this in...  last 
night at san quentin: Manny Babbit was executed...   very intense night, 
mellow protest, candles, etc...    =>  This man was a vietnam vet  .... poor, 
black, man who was sent to war at age 17....   (((remember in the 60's racism 
was a big thing, and so the U.S. sent all the minorities before sending over 
any of the whites.....)))  This government taught him how to kill, and how to 
fight, how to hate, etc...     We lost that war, and many men came back 
mentaly ill, crazy both from war, and that agent orange crap.     They 
refused to treat many of them, and gave these men (that were still alive) no 
respect.     Manny Babbit was crazy from war, and acted crazy...  he would 
hide in bushes all the time pretending to be shooting all these people, 
wearing army gear, etc...   Well one night while acting out his "flashed 
back" crazy memories of the war, he scared a woman walking by .... and led 
her to have a heart attack.   She died.                   Now Manny went to 
trial, and lacking money, he got a public defender defending him.    The 
public defender was a drunk (they are now proving) and handled his case very 
poorly.       Manny was put on death row... for first degree murder.          
      (did i mention that he's black...that didn't have anything to do with 
it right?  nahhhhh)    Now, it's almost 10 years later.   Manny was murdered 
last night in a gas chamber......  while all we can do, was stand out side in 
                                 People ask why those boys in Colorado shot 
all those kids at school?    Why?       Well look at our examples....  Our 
government   teaches these vets.  to be savages, go off and kill, protecting 
them, and murdering others in their names...   Then when they get back, the 
government spits on them, turns their backs to this illness they have 
developed,     and when an infortunate thing happends on behalf of this 
illness that should have been taken care of,      the government takes care 
of it with vengance..... and violence....         solve all problems with 
violence, kill kill kill....
They teach those to kill, and when they kill ~ they teach them that "killing 
is bad", by killing them.      I ask   anyone who has read this just to pray, 
or meditate, or think, or whatever you do about Manny Babbit.    And the 
other people waiting in line to be murdered, by those who taught us to murder.
                    .....Love one another.....        
Thanks for reading this....       XjessicaX

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