>the #sdre chatroom is on Efnet but i saw one on Dalnet too so i don't really

>know which one is the 'official' ..if there is one.

neither is really "official"... but the one referenced on the list here is the
one on the EFNet... and is also frequented by a lot of listers, and ansigod
himself.  so (no dis to the dalnet folks, if any are here) the EFNet one is
the place to go.  i'm personally there just about every night, and also run
the bot "Lizadrin" that is there now.

also, some upcoming things:

ansi and i have been talking w/ joe about stopping by the channel to chat w/
some fans... he's getting a new computer around the end of the year, and is
very excited about stopping by.

there is going to be an upcoming section of sunnydayrealestate.com that ansi
and i are working on that will probably have #sdre channel users profiles and
logs.  we're also going to set up a new bot to replace lizadrin and run it off

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