Hey there everyone!  I wrote a couple of weeks ago regarding what music 
stores to go to in Seattle to find Sunny Day merchandise, and I just wanted 
to thank everybody who responded to my request.  Just about everybody 
recommended going to the Sub Pop Mega Mart, and I made it there on the last 
day of my trip.  Unfortunately they were closed for inventory which really 
disappointed me, and I was not able to get anything.  The store sure looked 
cool from the outside though.  If you've ever been there before, you'll know 
what I mean when I say that the store name is pretty funny and ironic. :)  
Even though I did not have any luck in my search, thanks again for your help 
everybody!  Also, does anyone know if Sunny Day has any intentions on 
playing any shows down in Santa Barbara, CA?  I had tickets to the show they 
canceled here in February, and I would really love to see them perform live. 
  If anyone from the list is from around Santa Barbara, drop me line, I'd 
love to meet you.  Thanks again!


Do or do not... There is no try.
Yoda- Empire Strikes Back

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