first of all... i've changed my e-mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  i'll update my sdreaa page w/ the new address soon.  the old
address still works... for now.

> I think that either way you slice the pie.... you will be supporting the
> band.  The thing here is.... they could be over budget on the past recordings
> etc.. with Sub Pop, and still have a debt to settle for those things.  For
> those who may not know... signing then recording means that you go into debt
> until the record expenses are paid for... then the royalties pour in.

i've been spending a lot of time contemplating whether i'm going to buy the live
stuff, and i've decided that i will.  at first i was totally against buying the
stuff when i heard that sdre hadn't been involved in the production, but the
more i think about it... this release need to happen, and sdre gets the
royalties too.  i wish someone from the band would comment on this....

> I am unsure whether a server like this exists but I was wondering how much
> interest there would be in me hosting an ftp server for live sdre or indie
> mp3/vqf trading? There is a definite lack of places to find indie music around
> so this would be a good resource.. gracias.

ah.... you just don't know where to look.  check out #mp3indie on EFNet irc...
there are hundreds and hundreds of servers out there dishing indie mp3s.
normally i'm against the illegal distribution of copyrighted material... but in
this case it's help me find a bunch more great music, some of which i've gone
out and purchased.  support the artists!  anyway, i'll stop... oh yeah, and
don't forget for sdre rarities and live stuff.

> There are SDRE list members (why should I, because) who's high school garage
> band has a more up to date website than SDRE's.

in my opinion ansi has been doing a good job with the site... there's just not
much "news-able" going on w/ sdre right now, and when there is, there's always a
news update.  but, anyway, thanks for visiting my band's page :)

why should i? because:
sunny day real estate:
irc:  "Famous" on EFNet, channels #SDRE and #YSIB

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