CMJ at CBGB's in NYC 16/9/99 after the first three bands.....

I can say that up until this point all the bands that had played had brought
with them an honest attitude of being there on their own merit and hoping
you liked them. But then came "Cobra Verde" and along with them this very
tiring attitude that they were the shit because they had been the Gudied By
Voices band with Robert Pollard. Well first off I never thought Robert
Pollard was the genius everyone makes him out to be and secondly these guys
sucked. These tired old fuckers couldn't make enough money to pay off their
bar bill, which from the sound of them had to be somewhere close to the
national debt. The singers comments and his obvious attitude because due to
schedule change "Juno" had been returned to the bill and these guys had to
make room for them, were bitter and actually driving people away. I was glad
to see them get the fuck off stage.
It was a dam shame that "Juno" had to come on at 1am to a nearly empty club
but as soon as they started to play it brought everone left there to the
front to see them. I know there are more then a few of you who have the
album and have probable wondered could the awesome insturmentation be
recreated live? Well it was incredible. Now Juno's music is never
going to make it onto radio with there long and complex instrumental breaks
and changes and one might think they would shorten the songs for live
performance? They didn't, they played the full versions of all their works
and their were people there who plainly were hearing them for the first time
and their mouths were just hanging open in amazment. There were somewhat
long periods of tuning that went on between songs and I chauked this up to
the fact that these guys were going at the music like it was real artwork
and the sounds they were producing are not easy to come by. It was by nature
of the small crowd left in the club at this late hour a very intimate
performance and there was casual conversation between the band and the
audience. I congratulated Arlie Carstens [vox/guitar] on his recovery, less
then a year ago he had a halo screwed to his skull after breaking his neck
snowboarding and today he is back on stage. He said thankyou and a few songs
later announced that they were playing this song for "that guy, right there"
and pointed to me which prompted Gabe Carter [guitar] whom we had meet
earlier to say that my name was James and I had come from Detroit to hear
them play...which brought a look of disbelief and and a comment of "you must
be cool" from Arlie.
The whole deal was just to neat.

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