OK, we all despise subpolip, but they are taking pre-orders for SDRE
Live Double LP, CD, and Video.  Included is a free poster and a chance to
win free SDRE stuff.  Stuff not specified.  Http://www.subpop.com/orders/



        "The first and wisest of them all profess'd
         To know this only, that he nothing knew."
                -The Son, _Paradise Regain'd_

"For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for
an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another." _Galatians_5:13

        "Dim as the borrowed beams of moon and stars
         To lonely, weary, wandering travellers,
         Is reason to the soul...." -John Dryden, _Religio Laici_ 
                            Phillip Horky
                        Student, LS&A Honors
                 The University of Michigan Ann Arbor

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