Hey, wanna preview "Guitar and Video Games" from the new CD "Live"?
Check out Sonicnet www.sonicnet.com/ and search for "sunny day real
estate."  They let you listen to GAVG live over your computer!



        "The first and wisest of them all profess'd
         To know this only, that he nothing knew."
                -The Son, _Paradise Regain'd_

"For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for
an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another." _Galatians_5:13

        "Dim as the borrowed beams of moon and stars
         To lonely, weary, wandering travellers,
         Is reason to the soul...." -John Dryden, _Religio Laici_ 
                            Phillip Horky
                        Student, LS&A Honors
                 The University of Michigan Ann Arbor

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