Hi everybody,
    My name is Lori, I'm new to the list, I've been a fan of SDRE for some 
time now, but suddenly felt the need to be more involved with everything 
especially since it seems like a pretty exciting time, with the new Live CD 
and Video and all. So I'm more than happy to be here.
    The first time I saw Jeremy was at the Trocadero in Philly (any locals 
speak up) playing from Return of the Frog Queen.  I can share in the 
out-of-body-like experience  when seeing him and/or them stand about 4 feet 
away from me and just being blown away. At the first harmony in Abegail Anne 
I burst into tears- totally unexpectedly.     Being a designer can 
oftentimes be emotionally exhausting, so for the most part, I love listening 
to SDRE to kind of refuel (and vent any frustrations to something from 
either Diary or the self titled too).  So, I'm looking forward to reading 
all the posts to come- Also, can someone give me an idea as to how long you 
waited for the live CD and the Video to come?  I AM VERY IMPATIENT....So 
long, Lori.

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