i'm sure if anyone else has really paid attention to the video or not yet 
but, if you do, you may notice that the picture and sound are very much not 
in synch at some points.  this is most notable when the closeup is on jeremy 
singing or will playing drums (look at the snare and high hat hits -- the 
sound is almost a second off)...  now, it's not that you should expect some 
huge great production with this video or anything but you'd figure they'd at 
least try to keep everything in synch.  some songs are better than others but 
then others are just really annoyingly out of synch.  

i don't know what kind of time code the audio engineer used to try and keep 
synch with picture or if he did at all but whoever edited it just did not get 
it right at all.  you would have thought, though, that a specialist in this 
area would notice this and try to correct it before its release (who wants 
their name attached to an inferior job?) but who knows...  you would have 
also figured subpop would have tried to fix it but, then again, it doesn't 
seem like they're paying much effort to this live album/video thing, what 
with the shitty artwork and all...  

oh, and while i'm complaining about the recordings, is anyone else bothered 
by the way it sounds?  whoever chose the reverb setting for the vocal mic and 
what-not did a horrible job.  it sounds really robotic and awful, i think... 
i know it's a hard thing to get a "produced" sound from a live recording but 
shit, it can be done if someone good is working on it.  (look at the live 
portishead record... sounds even better than their studio records).

my $2grand,

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