<< As far as the picture, 
 just how many times do we actually get to see any of the band playing their 
 instruments? The camera men seem to favor teeny-bop headshots instead of 
 body shots. I mean, even Rolling Stones and Third Eye Blind videos get full 
 body shots, and is any of their playing really important to see? And then 
 there are William's grand side-shots, where the angle is very good, but at 
 least 75% of the time they only go to that shot if Jeremy is not singing, 
 kind of saying that Jeremy's the main camera attraction, and if he's not 
 doing anything important (playing he music isn't important in teeny bot 
 facial shots) then they might as well go to William for a few seconds, which 
 means they miss out on some great drum madness. I was surprised they 
 cut to him during his crazy parts of Rodeo Jones. I was a happy bunny then. 

I've got quite a few concerts on tape and all of them are taped like that. I 
guess in a way it makes sense because they want to film the person who's 
singing, since that's the part that's most often payed attention to when 
music is heard [not many people buy a CD when the vocals are horrid just to 
hear the bass or whatever] but it IS annoying at times. I mean, no 
disrespects to vocalists for bands, but being a bassist myself, I really like 
to watch the bassist to see how things are played and such. And I really like 
looking at the non-vocalists play because most of the time, they're the most 
interesting people to watch. That's why I like seeing shows live because I 
can focus on what *I* want to see, not what Camera Man #3 thinks I should see 
or whatever. But I do like how the SDRE video DOESNT have that "switching 
syndrome" which is when the people who edit the video flip from a shot of the 
singer to the drummer to the bassist to the singer to the guitarist and 
flipping back and forth every two seconds. They actually focus on one person 
for several seconds at a time, which is nice. The club in the video seems 
really tiny...has anyone been there? The stage just looks really small, like 
they were all playing on top of a refrigerator box or something ;o)


Yes I've noticed Jeremy's voice has changed a bit...he sounded very young on 
"Diary" [I think that's what I like about his voice though..it's very boy-ish 
but he has such a range..it's just cool] and now it sounds more mature. But I 
notice voice changes often with bands. If you've got all of the albums by 
some band that's got 3 or more, listen to the first one, then the latest one 
and you will most likely hear a major change. I was listening to the first 
Rage Against The Machine album the other day and I noticed Zach's voice has 
matured, and I bought the new Alice In Chains boxed set yesterday and you 
hear the early 1987 demos and Layne's voice sounds SO young [well he was 20 
or so then anyway...but...] and now it's matured. It goes for almost any 
band, really, you can hear a big difference. But then again, the music 
matures too.

<<Considering the "Meeting People is Easy" proposed version of SDRE: that
would necessitate  WORK on subpop's part.  Don't think so.>>

Heh heh, yeah, it's definitely more work than mastering a taping of a live 


n/p: Manic Street Preachers "From Despair To Where"

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