Let me say I have seen Sunny Day twice, and both times they played exactly 
like they did on the live CD and video. People complain he doesnt scream. 
People say that is what is wrong with How It Feels, I think that is what is 
right with it. His voice is much more beautiful when he isnt screaming, 
especially when he changes old screaming parts in old songs. How It Feels is 
by far their best CD. Another thing I note, Sunny Day is the only "emo" band 
I listen to. So many underground and local punk bands have started to turn 
their sounds to "emo". So Suny Day has gotten away from that, and one very 
noticible part of an punk band gone "emo'', too much screaming. I hope the 
next CD sounds more like Frog Queen than Diary. But its just me, and I love 
you all!

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