"okay. here's my opinion. (and i've been holding out on this for a long 
time)....okay, i'm a HUGE fan of sdre.....BUT i just can't help but cringe 
when i hear jeremy do the old diary and lp2 songs live now. i mean he JUST 
WON'T SCREAM! it drives me crazy. i know it's petty...but the reason why i 
get so emotional listening to diary and lp2 is because of the contrast of 
smooth gorgeous vocals and screaming. and jeremy has like the best scream 
ever, in my opinion. i watched the live video recently, and there's one part

on "the prophet" where he tries REALLY hard...but can't do it. i almost want

to cry. every time i watch that video now, i have to watch the old 120 
minutes performance where he DOES scream doing "seven" and just wish that
old days were here again. okay, i don't know where this post is going...i 
just thought i'd put my two cents in. okay peoples....take care."

I've been feeling that way for some time too..why doesn't he? All the live
stuff I have he doesn't scream..I mean "Song About an Angel" for instance
has to be one of my fave songs especially the "Although you hit hard I still
come back.." and "Running behind..." parts..he screams those on Diary but
not live.  Same with Rodeo Jones ect.  

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