hello everyone,
thisis in response to lori's letter. first i like the get up kids and
most of the time the people can ruin a show. i am from mesa Arizona and i
dont like to go to jimmy eat world shows because they are from arizona so
all the locals think that they have more rights than the others there so
no matter how good j.e.w. plays, the crowd ruins it. but there are things
likeshowering that always help :)
and some shows just arent good!i went to a jimmy eat world show and there
was a fight, once there was moshing, and one time a girl in a sdre shirt
passed out right next to me and i had to catch her (she wasnt even
drinking or anything either)
weird stuff. so dont base your opinion on a band through only one show.

but i agree about all sdre shows. ive seen them twice and at both shows
everyone gave eachother space, no one talked while they were playing,
everyone had their jaw dropped, and it even felt like everyone felt that
feeling i did. (the tingles)

ok thanks if youve read this far

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