Hardly at all.  Just a little bit at the end.  I was kind of dissapointed 
overall.  The soundtrack was good but the movie itself was pretty bad.  I 
love the Fastbacks song at the end.  Their new album is great.

>From: John Despirito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: John Despirito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dallas Peavy)
>Subject: Re: [sdre-l]: For the Cash
>Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 11:12:55 -0500 (EST)
>How much is Jeremy and Will actually in the movie?
> >
> > no it is terrible. believe me.
> >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
>***********************************************  Although you hit me hard
>*Do or do not...there is no try -Master Yoda  *       I come back - Jeremy
>*                                             *         ,            Enigk
>*It's not death if you refuse it -James O'Barr*       o/
>*                                             *      <\___,
>*Peaches can be bought...but where can you    *      ' >
>*      buy an orchard in full bloom?         *       '
>*                      -Akira Kurosawa       *  ...treat others as you
>*                       Director             *       wish to be treated
>*                                             *              - God
>*                                             *
>*You can't spend your time alone redigesting  *    John DeSpirito
>*      past regrets  -Eddie Vedder           *      webpage:
>*                                             *  www.sju.edu/~despirit

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