Of the 117 people who responded to this poll...

CHRISTIANS: 59%  (69)

                     Christian: 35
Christian (non-denominational): 11
                       Baptist:  4
                        Morman:  4
                  Presbyterian:  3
                      Lutheran:  2
                   Charismatic:  1
                     Methodist:  1

NON-CHRISTIAN: 21.4%  (25)

Religious (non denominational):  7
                 non-Christian:  6
                        Jewish:  4
                  Zen Buddhist:  2
                        Wiccan:  2
                        Taoist:  1
                      Satanist:  1
                         Hindu:  1
             Chi- 'life force':  1

NON-RELIGIOUS: 19.6%   (23)

                       Atheist: 10
                      Agnostic:  6
                 non-Religious:  5
                existentialist:  1
                       'music':  1

A few people were curious as to what I am...Well, I cast my vote for 

I'd like to thank everyone who responded to this poll.  We should all 
cherish the fact that we live in a spiritually diverse world.

note:  If anyone's thinking of writing me a nasty letter about how           
they don't consider Mormans Christians...stop to think a              minute 
about the importance personal identity.
        Remember:  acceptance has always been the best policy.  :)

*Thanks again*

                                          Yours Truly,

                                                JaCob McCoy

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