I've got my own show, 5-7 am eastern wednesday's (hey someone's got to keep it lit). You can listen at www.whrw.org . I play all sorts of music, but the highlight of last week's show was going into the jazz record library and finding a vinyl of a John Cage/ Sun Ra concert. WOW! I played the entire first side....
Also, come visit my hotline server. Its the best place for rare/live sdre/ jeremy enigk tracks, and other cool music as well. Its 100% free, I am not making any money off this either. Hours are generally 1:30 pm to 1 am eastern, but it varies. The newest additions are the get up kids: seattle 10/9/99 and the lord of the rings film previews trailer (for my own personal enjoyment). Upload cool stuff if you have any you want to share: boots, local music, your own band, whatever. I am only making a big deal of this because it has been absolutely dead lately.
login: pheurton
pass: skeurto
www.bigredh.com for more info, but they'll kick you to download.com to download the free client. 

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