Sorry about the multiple 'test' posts there - apparently something got
screwed up at and the messages I approved for the list were
not being recieved at - or somethign like that, I'm not
sure just what happened but it appears to be fixed now.  It picked a hell
of a time to screw up though because as you can see the past few days have
seen a plethora of SDRE info!  Anyways the test messages were to make sure
that the list was indeed working again; as well, due to the multiple
warning messages I got about messages not being sent plus other crap every
time I tried to approve a message, it's entirely possible that any
messages you sent may have been lost in the meantime - so if you sent a
message recently and it didn't show up, that's why (it may also be because
what you said was what other people said first, but the list hadn't seen
yet, but rather than fwd 20 emails about the new "one" song, I just
forwarded the first one I got).

Again, sorry about the hassle, I hope everything's kosher now.

                        * "The coast is clear!
Lance Ferris            *  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    *  (Tides rush in, 
Psychology              *   pull us farther undertow)
McMaster University     *     - Cursive

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