CD's have better sound quality anyway, and a lot of people don't know what 
they're doing when they encode an mp3.  The RIAA is paranoid and ignorant.

The one thing that really gets my goat is the sound quality on the .ra of 
one.  I spent 6 hours monday night trying to clean it up and undo the heinous 
ra compressions no significant avail.  I would like it alot if 
timebomb made high quality mp3s of the songs they are promoting already from 
the studio master media.

dan t

> and also, on the subject of people who have promo copies making them 
> available to the rest of us... i also agree that someone with a promo copy 
> should let us all hear it. it's not like we're all going to get the mp3's, 
> make cd-r's, and then never buy the release when it comes out. i can almost 
> guarantee that all of us would still buy the cd (or lp in my case) when it 
> comes out, because we'll still want to have the finished product with full 
> artwork, lyrics, etc. so you are'nt taking money away from the label by doing 
> so. there. that's my statement :)
> cheers,
> jordan.

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