Upon initial listening to the album I thought it was great.  Listening
to it again and again I just have to say it's brilliant. I had no
expectations going into the album, just to expect the unexpected I

Killed By an Angel gets the cd moving along fine then from there it's a
rollercoaster of up and downs.  I guess just the fact that some of the
songs sound like nothing I would have expected from SDRE just make it
all more enjoyable.

All the songs are filled with textures and it's just incredible. They've
come a long way since 94.  To me it seems like they have had a
beatlesque musical progression. I think they are one record from
releasing their Ok Computer or Joshua Tree or Sgt Peppers.

I don't like the new cd just because it's SDRE, I like it because it's
one of the best cd's I have heard in 2 years.

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