if referring to the cover art of how it squeals, then
i agree that this type of thing is garbage. the liner
art is at least on par with diary though. the pink
album has better art than the cover art for how it
feels to be celine dion hands down.

a ball of flames. how profound!

--- Mikie Lewinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <<I think that since the "How it feels" art
> >was kind
> >of trite and easy, this is just nice to see.  >>
> what? trite? that is an awful thing to say esp.
> considering the fact that 
> all of the how it feels art is original art from the
> same guy who did the 
> diary art. (im sure everyone knew that already.) i
> suppose that means that 
> the diary art is trite as well. it seems like a
> harsh word
> ok peace.
> mikie!
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