If you guys like the new CD, I suggest you all go buy Journey or Stix. The 
music is uninspired, and the lyrics are all fantasy prog-rock crap. They 
should have got Vallejo to do the cover art. Its like an 8th grader wrote it. 
That song with techno kinda crap at the beginning sounds like Tiffany's "I 
think we're alone now..." song. Sad, sorry music. Terrible CD. I wont see 
them live. If evolving as a band means this, I don't believe in evolution. 
Very sad. Im sure you will all hate me for this, I understand. I wanted to 
like this CD, but its just plain bad. Like I said, Journey, maybe Queen, I 
don't know, they might do the soundtrack for the next Willow movie, or maybe 
even Labyrinth two. We can only hope!!!! Terrible. 

sorry all, I love SDRE, but I had to.

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