Sunny Day Real Estate continues to amaze me. When I
first heard this band with the pink album, I knew
something was definitely different with this band.
After listening to the pink album for a while I went
out and got Diary which I also fell in love with. Of
course Diary is the "easy" album to fall in love with,
and I am so glad that I listened to the pink album
first. In going backwards I somehow lost the
devolution process that many of you are going through.
I don't need another diary, pink album, or HIFTBSO.
All of these albums have something new to them, and
The Rising Tide keeps this tradition up. 
 I just listened to the album for the 6th time and I
am floored. This is the most musical album that Sunny
Day has. While How It Feels gives a glimpse of whats
to come, this album really has a feel to it. Almost
like they've found their comfort zone, but still can
move on. I love every song on this album. I actually
can't understand someone not liking this album, unless
of course you didn't like How It Feels. Yes, this
album is "slower" and it's not another Diary. I do
think it's a good combination of both albums, but it's
also neither of these albums. I can't wait to see this
band in Philly again, once again I plan on a magical
show. So I ask all of you...please do not show up to
the Troc on the 8th if you hate this album. Sell your
ticket, burn it, do something. I can't have the
atmosphere destroyed by a fan who hasn't been a fan
for years.  Thank You


"Don't take any guff from these swine"----Hunter S Thompson

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