dear sdre-l:

I was talking with this new friend of mine in Denver about SDRE and
jeremy playing bass. He let me know that while the band was writing Diary
Nate went on tour with Christ on a Crutch to Europe i think and thats
when SDRE wrote as a trio, with Jeremy on Bass. My friend told me that
most or some of the bass for Diary was written by Jeremy which kind of
upset me because based on the Bass work on that album and some of LP2,
Nate Mendel had become my favorite musician. Whoever wrote Grendel's bass
line or 7's was a genius i think. Now- i hope this doesnt seem trivial to
all of you, but i really want to know who's responsible for all that
amazing stuff on Diary and LP2- did Enigk write that basic chord
progression and Nate embellished it with all those fills? Does anyone
know which ones Enigk wrote, and which ones Nate did? Bass lines like
Seven's or Shadows seems so much to me  to be the work of some bass guy,
not a singer/guitarist/songwriter Jeremy Enigk ROTFQ type.

oh, and if no one answers or reads my question, because i know we get a
ton of messages from this list, im just going to politely post it again.


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