Only got twenty votes but it seems like there was a solid enough pattern
to see how people in general feel...  Lets get to the ones that got no

The Ocean
The Rising Tide

This is not to say that these aren't great songs... because they are.
The Rising Tide has gone from one of my least favorites to in my top
three but.. alas... There must losers if there are to be winners, so
there you have it.  Here is your favorites...

5th place: Rain Song

4th place (tied). Killed By An Angel
4th place (tied). One
4th place (tied). Snibe

1st place (tied). Faces In Disguise
1st place (tied). Tearing In My Heart
1st place (sort of winner cause it gets my vote). Fool In The Photograph

I guess the results arent really that interesting because everything
tied.  But all of the 1st place songs had more than double the amount of
votes that the 4th place ones did.  So it is clear that those three
songs are the big favorites.

What is going to be interesting though is when i hold this same poll
again in a month or two.  I know that just about every sdre song has
been my favorite at some point or another so this list should change.
So, thanks everyone that voted.  Especially the ones who wrote funny
stuff in their votes.  It makes stuff like this fun.

-=pete dodd

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