How many people on the list are going to the st. louis show on 6-26?
I'll be there and try to give a review to the list.  I got TRT on tuesday
when it came out, and it is great.  They really have a great new sound.
Some of the of the ambient parts almost remind me of Moby.  It's just an
amazing album, and I can listen to it over and over without getting bored.
    Some really good releases came out on June 20, of course TRT, and I'm
not a huge deftones fan, but i'm curious to hear that, and Strung Out has a
new EP out and it is great if you're into super fast, tight metal/punk.
There's some great guitar and drumming on that EP.
    The only band that I believe could surpass TRT is possibly Elliott When
their new album False Cathedrals comes out in August.  If anyone doesn't
have Elliott's 1st album US Songs GET IT NOW!!
Sorry for wasting your time. Only about 19 hours until the show

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