i just got back from lawrence. i am tired and i ache, so this will be a
quick rundown of the show there last night at the lovely bottleneck.

1. there was a tornado watch all night long, and the weather got to be quite
nasty. fortunately though, there was no tornado, although dan said it would
be really cool if one were to occur. yeah, he must be from seattle.

2. if you ever go to the bottleneck craving a black & tan, prepare to be
disappointed. way too much bass, not nearly enough guinness. 

3. i finally bought the rising tide. i didn't have time to mail order it and
get it before the show, nor did i want to pay $18 for it at sam goody. i am
happy now :)

4. i had heard no knife a few times before, but have never seen them live.
well, they gave me a thorough ass-kicking. i loved them. i was compelled to
buy two of their CDs - the one eveyone talks about on here (automatons or
something like that) and the drunk on the moon one because i have never
owned a CD with the word "drunk" in the title. 
5. i was somewhat distracted by the couple 2 feet in front of me who were
about to get down and fuck on the floor. i mean, really, i enjoy soft porn
as much as the next guy (ok, maybe not) but not when i'm trying to enjoy a
live band. the funny part was, while they were making out and groping each
other, the guy was watching the band. the girl looked like she belonged at a
britney spears concert. 

6. apparently, the sound for no knife "like, totally fucking sucked major
fucking ass" because they couldn't afford their own sound person for the
tour and had to use the "pussy sound guy, that fucking moron who can't even
fucking run that shitty ass soundboard" at the bottleneck. this i overheard
from the merch guy, whom i sat near for a short bit. also, when he's not
touring with no knife, he lives in prague. he can't speak czech though.

7. sunny day, finally. after their fat roadie tested everything for 20
minutes they took to the stage. because i just got the new album last night,
i was familiar with only a few of the new songs. the opener i did not know,
but here is a rough set list. i don't remember the exact order, so i'll just
list the songs i know, and surely someone else here will have the exact
order. they played pillars, guitar and video games, tearing at my heart,
one, the ocean, j'nuh (which blew my ass off, it was amazing), killed by an
angel, every shining time (which was great with the keyboards), disappear,
snibe, and a couple others i think. the encore was 8 (!!!!!), the rising
tide (with the extra cool stuff at the end), and in circles, which the crowd
absolutely went crazy for. 
8. i thought the back up guys did a cool job; the singer had a nice voice
and the bass player was cool. the overall sound was okay, but it wasn't as
good as when i saw them the last time (when greg did the sound...). jeremy
was in prime form, will had the greatest smile on his face the whole time,
and the bearded one was at one with his guitar, not to mention all over the
stage. he broke a couple strings on in circles and about busted his face
open with his own guitar a few times. he was defintiely into it.

9. the crowd was pretty good, too. no one threw up on my girlfriend's feet
this time, i didn't get hit on by a hooker, and the police didn't come in to
arrest anyone (which all happened at one of two times i saw them last year).
there was some annoying yelling of songs (some guy kept yelling "diary" - i
wasn't sure if he was kidding or not) and a few people who were obviously
dragged there by friends and were not into the bands at all. 

10. all in all, it was a great show. they keep getting better every time i
see them. seeing the new stuff live really helped appreciate it more, just
like it did when how it feels came out - the only way to truly appreciate
their music is to see and hear it live.

i guess that wasn't so short after all. 

i will go to bed now.


**this message brought to you by:

jason d. sheets
web: http://www.nwmissouri.edu/~s214560 (recently updated!)
album of the day: modest mouse - "the moon and antarctica"
"That Sheets boy...no damn good." 

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