This show was great...exept for the two hippie girls who shouted seven a hundred times. Actually for awhile I thought they were shouting "sunny day" because they were pausing a lot (see..aahh.....vuuunnnn...see..aahh....vuuunnnn....)
At one point, someone in the crowd must have informed them that sdre wouldn't play the song any more, because one of them shouted "sorry". Jeremy replied "that's okay", and everyone laughed. Then will made some joke that I couldn't hear and did that "bu-du-bum" thing on his drums. It was about what happened the last time they played seven i think.
The venue was great because there were two levels. We were on the balcony, so we could look down on the large crowd (250 about) and the band. The sound was good too. Jeremy said that he couldn't remember if they'd ever played montreal before (they hadn't). he concluded that if they had, he was probably wasted that night.
No knife was above average. They had the fender/marshall sound that is a bit like jawbox/ burning airlines. They had some parts that were downright police-ish.
The song that's coming out on their split with lazycain sounds great. The singer looks like one of the guys from tears for fears. exept skinnier.
The encore was by far the most energetic part of the night. Jeremy looked possesed like he used to in the old days. They would have been better without the keyboardist and the guy playing bells in the back.
Bombo, the opening act was great...oh yeah, there was no opening act.

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