Ok all, here's reviews of both Saturday and Sunday's SF/slim's shows.

My friend and I arrived in the area at about 6p.  We went to Wa Ha Ka to
meet listies, but we were a good hour earlier than I told everybody.  I
would have stayed until 7, but I could only listen to the music for so
long, sorry to all the people who showed.

So after a good hour+ wait in line, the doors opened at 8p and we
deposited ourselves front & center at the stage.  No Knife started out
strong, lulled, and then rocked a bit more.  Then came SDRE.

The setlist:
The Ocean
G & VG
In Circles

After Fool, which truly rocked btw, people were shouting out song
names.  I thought I'd be cool and show how encyclopaedic my knowlege
was.  I looked Jeremy square in the eye (he was 3 feet in front of me) and
shouted "Something I learned from X(Z?)eno", which I promptly remembered
he didn't sing on.  How embarrassing for me.  That didn't phase him,
though, because the rest of the show blew last years tour clear out of the
water.  I had the best time last year, but Man, it was night and day.  Dan
looked like the happiest man on earth.  His brothers were there, and we
all cheered for them.  There were times I was worried that if he jumped
any higher, he'd get stuck in the roof.  The floor literally shook during
Tearing in my Heart.  The last time my bones rattled that much, I was 20
yards from a supersonic jet taking off.  Talk about moving songs, the
earth moved for them.  SDRE is too much band for their equipment.  Jeremy
broke a string on 8 (or was it j'nuh, I don't remember if it was
before/during the encore).

No Knife busted their Bass amp, but SDRE was kind enough to lend them
theirs for the set.  I was a bit worried, because if they broke one...then
what if they broke SDRE's...I was nervous.  However, the concert gods
smiled upon us, and the amp was ready to go for SDRE.  The first thing
said when they went on stage was "How many people were here last
night?"  I shouted as loud as I could.  I was not alone, but us serial
SDRE show seers were clearly the minority.  This was good, because both
nights were sold out.  My friend has been seeing shows at slims for years,
and said that it is definitely rare for a band to sell out slim's both
nights.  Then they said that they'd change up the setlist a
little.  DRAT!  me without my pen.  Here's my best guess as to the setlist
(durned memory):

The Ocean
G & VG
TimH    (TimH and Dissapear may be transposed)
In Circles

People were again shouting song names.  Jeremy said there would be another
tour soon, and that they would play more of the old stuff.  Then they said
something to the effect of "we'll take requests for the tour
now"  WOOHOO!!!  I think I busted a vocal chord shouting Spade and Parade
and GREEeeeeeeNNNNNNNNDeeLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!  I teamed up with the guy behind
me, and we took turns shouting grendel.  Dan said something like "That
one's difficult" to which I replied "WORTH IT!!"  The bit they added onto
TRT was cool both nights  On saturday, it led into In Circles.  Sunday, it
was last, so they did a relly cool exit.  By that point, everybody who
didn't have a drunstick in their hand was on guitar/bass.  Everybody
(exept Will, of course) left a feedback riff on their guitar as they left,
one at a time.  Jeremy threw his pic into the audience.  Whoever got it is
soooo lucky.  The last person to leave was the guy on Keyboards.  He left
a feedback loop on his guitar that lasted a while after they were all off

In all....the whole weekend ROCKED!!!  I still have a big ol' grin on my

Dan T.

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