In a message dated 8/12/00 7:40:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Just a thought...Did Jeremy look extra pissed this tour than last one? I
 dunno, maybe they are tired and ready for a well deserved break. >>

Well.. I'd assume that they are pretty happy with their new material and are 
pretty tired of people (like myself) who say "well, the new stuff is ok, but 
could you please play 48!"... I'd be a bit "pissed" by the end of a tour if 
all anyone wanted to hear was my older songs...  That kinda sucks that people 
actually wanted them to play older songs that they've already played.. and 
Rodeo Jones??? Watch the live video for christs sake, if you didn't catch 
them last tour.. They don't play that long so I hope when they tour witht the 
older songs they leave out rodeo, j'nuh, circles.. etc... I hope if they are 
keeping a list of what people have requested for next tour, they leave off 
those.. unfortunately, since they already know how to play those songs, I 
fear they will be the first added to the set list... 

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