Because of intense slacking off in the station service area, my radio show
this semester will be:

7am-830 am (eastern) on thursdays
listen @

I play a variety of stuff; give it a try: you'll like it ;-)

If any of you out there have radio shows, email me, or post a message in
the news of my hotline server; I'm compiling a list.

Also, I know some people must have the hiftbso mixes, and I think it would
be great for you to share with the rest of us. 

I (and everyone else, probably) would appreciate it if you uploaded it to
the hotline server (in some high quality format). If you'd rather not do
that, email me and I'm sure we can work out some sort of trade.


hotline server:
login: pheurton
pass: skeurto for free client

Reply via email to