Hey all, the show tonight was superb.  Here are my top
five for the show:

1.  The Red Elephant T-shirt - this thing rocks!

2.  48

3.  7 - not rusty at all, absolutely perfect.

4.  Phuerton Skeurto

5.  Great Opening Band, never heard of them...(not
Euphone, in case you're wondering).  They're from LA
and it was their first show ever.  Pretty straight
ahead, but they have a harmonica.  Harmonicas rock!

Yup, you guys heard me.  7, 48 and Phuerton Skeurto
all live.  Go to a show on this tour.

Top five raspberries:

1.  Assholes making bad 'real estate' jokes behind me.

2.  My friend beating me in a bet that she could get a
set list.  Dammit >.<

3.  No Bucket of Chicken.  Ya gotta hope, y'know?

4.  $2 for a bottle of water.  Eep.

5.  Jeremy breaking two strings, Will's foot going


OK, two things.  If anyone went to this show?  What
was the opening band's name?  And who is that guy
Steve?  Jeremy noticed him and pointed him out to Dan,
who said "Holy Shit" into the mic, who then pointed it
out to Will who was really surprised.  It was Steve,
wasn't it?  Whatever.


I got to go the SF show as well, and I think I liked
this one better for all the old stuff they played.  I
don't have a setlist yet, but I'll post it when I get
it.  The band still played a fair number of songs from
the new album, One, Killed by an Angel, Snibe, Faces
in Disguise, Rising Tide - but also a good amount from
each individual album.  A really good number from
Diary: 7, In Circles, Song About an Angel, Round (not
positive...), Pherton Skeurto, 48.  Damn, 48.  :-)

The show didn't quite go as smoothly as the other ones
I've seen, since Jeremy broke two strings and had
problems getting his mic right.  Also, it seemed like
some of the songs just didn't flow as well as they did
before...it's kind of hard to explain.  I'm sure some
of them are a little rusty.  7 and 48 were orgasmic
though.  They are reason enough to drive many miles
for this show.

Party On,


PS:  I'm from Florida - I feel your pain people.

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