Personally, this issue is of some interest to me for this reason:  I really
think the new album is not very good.  Of course I am one of those people
who think lp2 was their masterpiece to date, with rotfq probably in second.
Anyhow, one of the biggest weaknesses to The Rising Tide (and I think there
are a few) is the lyrics.  I don't connect with them at all, and I find most
of them to be sort of trite.  Never in a million years did I think that of
all things it would be the lyrics that would turn me off to a Sunny Day
album.  So I find myself wondering, "What gives?"  What has changed?  Is it
me?  I really don't think so.  I feel like these lyrics are different than
any other album, and no sir, I don't like 'em.  I resepect the fact that
they decided to "evolve", I just don't like where it's going.

Ok and since most Sunny Day fans seem to dig Radiohead as well, let me say
that I have been listening to Kid A for a few weeks now (thank you Napster!)
and I am blown away.  Now this is a band that I think is going in the right
direction.  Ok, better go buy the real copy now...


p.s. honestly i'm not looking to get flamed, but i fear it is inevitable.
and if anyone finds out the skinny on where jeremy is at spiritually, maybe
you can send me an e-mail directly so as not to disturb the list!

----- Original Message -----
From: "ernesto che guevara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: [sdre-l]: Hello, Jeremy, and ROTFQ tabs

> unsubscribe theology-l
> --- Luke A Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > JCsemo-
> > what else did jeremy say... or did he leave it at
> > that -- "i am not a
> > christian"? i have the feeling there was some sort
> > of context for this
> > statement that was not repeated. it would be jumping
> > the gun to assess
> > something like this from one isolated statement.
> >
> > personally, i have a hard time believing that jeremy
> > could leave his
> > faith, from all i've heard and read... and all he
> > experienced. i mean,
> > listen to his lyrics! he's more spiritual than a lot
> > of "religious"
> > people i know.
> >
> > and i'm sure he gets a kick out of all of us
> > speculating about his
> > beliefs... no, not really. personally, i think
> > that's one of the reasons
> > he's more quiet about it now -- tired of the
> > spotlight and endless
> > discussion and misunderstandings.
> >
> > thanks
> > -luke-
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, 1 Oct 2000 00:21:06 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > writes:
> > > i asked Jeremy if he was still a christian and he
> > told me he was
> > > not...this
> > > is very sad to hear.....all tho i haven't lost all
> > hope cause i know
> > > God will
> > > bring him back even if it means sdre breaking
> > up....Jeremy is more
> > > or less
> > > into new age......
> >
> > >
> > >
> >      my thoughts
> > > matt
> > >
> >
> >
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