amen mike :)
shn is a godsend for compression of live shows. the downside is that the files are rather large, but the benefits (zero loss of quality, an outstanding way to archive shows, no generation loss through trading, etc, etc) totally outweigh this.
using shn's, the problem of mp3 traders/sellers is eradicated. however, it must be strictly enforced that shn's are NOT to be encoded to mp3, for obvious reasons. it would be great to have an archive of shn encoded SDRE shows (Gerry, maybe you could run this if you have a good amount of disk space?).
one thing to keep in mind is when encoding shows/b-sides/rarities to SHN, you want to try to use MASTER copies so that no generational loss occurs. if a master copy isn't available, then you would want to use the highest generation known to exist. i know several of you have DAT copies of b-sides and out-of-print material; it would be wonderful if you could transfer these to shn :)
for more info definitely check out the web sites that Mike listed, as well as
- adam
p.s. by the way, does anyone know of a recording in existence of the November 2, 2000 show at Knickerbockers in Lincoln, NE?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Pumphrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 6:25 PM
Subject: [sdre-l]: SDRE trading (SHN)

> Regarding the ost about MP3 decompression to WAV file, how how it is
> invariably inferior...I offer this:
> Use Shorten (SHN) format.  It is the equivalent of ZIP for WAV files,
> yielding a 2:1 size ratio, which isn't all that great (as opposed to
> 44/128k MP3's which are 10:1) but here's the kicker---no loss in
> decompress a SHN file...byte-by-byte identical.  Deadheads
> and Phish fans et al have been using this form to trade full shows...I
> think we should do the same...
> For more information check this out:
> General encoder:
> Free encoder:
> We'd need more disk space, of course, but I think it'd be worth it...get
> those "underwater"-sounding files out of existece...
> Mike
> Mike

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