WEird Al--same here. I think back to all the music I used to listen to and it perfectly reflects that time in my life, more or less. Some are a little embarrassing to me now..but I love those memories anyway.

The parts of J'nuh you were discussing are exactly what I remember most of their shows, it gives me the chills. I was saying to another fellow list member that I love the way it's impossible to fully describe sdre's effect, or any other music that I listen to.  Art DOES join people together and it is truely magical.

You said "the music creates a way of looking at things, and if you dig it, you dig it because it's saying something that you inherently know." That couldn't be more perfect. When that music brings out that feeling or entity inside of you without any real voluntary conscious effort it lifts you up rearranges you and drops you down in this place that you knew existed but now you must make sence of it. This happens with lots of things, people you meet, places you go ect. But with music..especially with sdre, for me, it changed me for the better --some coming from bad feelings and some from euphoria. Also it opened the door to a whole new area of music that i could never imagine myself listening to as much as i do.  SDRE is forever special to me and what makes it even more special is the other people that share that feeling...all of you.

Well i would also like to say that I am excited to see such interesting stuff to read on the list and I hope i do the same.


take care



  Devin King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Art connects people together.  When I hear the end of J'nuh and about 50 Jeremy's come in together, harmonizing, I have felt this way.  When there is that eerie feedback and then the drums come in at the beginning of HIFTBSO, I have felt that way.  Even when I watch Dan bang out the J'nuh part of J'nuh on stage, almost hurting himself in the process, but with that sort of sickly smile on his face, I have felt that way.

And I used to hate this shit.  I mean, everyone goes through different musical phrases, I mean, I remember listening to Weird Al as a kid, and really really liking it, cause it was goofy and kid-like and just fun.  It's not (that) funny anymore, not because he has changed, but because I have, the way I look at the world has changed.  I mean, the music creates a way of looking at things, and if you dig it, you dig it because it's saying something that you inherently know.

Think about the Beatles (if you're groaning, groan on dear friend).  One of the reasons that they had such staying power is that they were able to shift from the black and white world of Hard Day's Night to the colorful world of Sgt. Pepper's.  They grew with the generation that was listening to them, moving from goofy pop songs about love, to goofy sitar songs about love.  They're singing about the exact same thing, but with a different take on it each time.

The scary thing though, is that it's not always such a give and take relationship, N'Sync makes music inspired by a society of 12 or 13 year old kids.  This gives us bad music.  And somehow, Ian MacKay's (sp?) music has created sXe societies in certain places (and I'm not saying he's down for this at all) that think because of the anger of the music, with the combinatrion of ideas, allows them to create a violent society, where they can carve X's into some random smoker's back, like it's a war or something.

Any-hoo though, that's my 2 big ones. Feel free to write me--like all sophists, I enjoy the occassional soiree of emails.



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