I totally agreed with all that John West had to say...but felt that now is 
the time that I should vent (just because I'm feeling like doing so). I met 
Jeremy on this last tour after a show in Grand Rapids, MI and, besides me 
being taken aback about how humble and soft-spoken that he was, I was 
greatly rewarded to speak with a fine person. One of the things that I 
talked about with him was how unfortunate the state of American music has 
become. It's a sad, sad shame when copycat boy bands (I use that term 
loosely...how can you make a "band" when the only instruments they play are 
the media and heartstrings of prepubenscent teenage girls?) thrive 
on...selling out shows, flying to foreign countries in their private jet, 
and raking in millions of millions of dollars? I ask you...has "Bye, Bye, 
Bye" or  "And That Makes You Larger than Life?" ever tugged at your 
heartstrings or made you reflect on your life? I know that they haven't for 
me...the only thing the've tugged at were my hand tendons when I promptly 
changed the station on my car stereo.
  I'm rambling...and I know. The thing is this...Dan, William, and Jeremy 
need to know that their gifts have influenced the lives of many avid fans 
and devoted listeners.. They've made attending a concert a thing to look 
forward to...and come away from with thoughts of more than "God, that beer 
really sucked" or "Dude, where's my car?" (I threw those in for the frat 
boys walking out of a Dave Mattew's concert). I, for one, will be watching 
closely to see what these three fine artists will be doing now that they've 
hung up the moniker, "Sunny Day Real Estate."

Jim Shaw
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