here are my own almost certainly incorrect opinions.

on the rising tide, sunny day real estate sounds to me a lot more like rush
than radiohead.  the arrangements just seemed contrived and sterile to me.
i know everyone says they were evolving, but that doesn't help me much if i
don't like what they were evolving into.  truth is, i think rush is better
at this stuff than sdre is.  that being said, the songs were twice as good
live than they were on the album, but still not up to par with past ones.
in my opinion no album sdre ever put out captured the complete essence of
the songs when performed live (especially not the live album).  pink album
came closest.

as for why they broke up, who can say?  in my heart i hope that this
evolving was a new direction dan wanted to go in, and that jeremy and
william will make another mind blowing album.  for that matter, i hope dan
finds people that share his vision and that his new project is amazing as

ok i know this has probably angered a lot of people, but this thread was for
voicing our opinions and this is mine.  trust me, i wish i felt differently.
it's really a terrible terrible feeling to realize that a band that meant so
much to me, that connected with me so deeply, has been slowly losing its
ability to make me feel anything.  i hope and pray that this break up will
be for the best and we'll get twice as much great music as we would have

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 1:15 AM
Subject: [sdre-l]: rush comparison

i wasn't necessarily saying that as a whole, SDRE could be compared to rush.
is a given that they have starkly different musical styles.  however if i
to, i would put them both in the "progressive" category along with the likes
radiohead and such because of their ability to evolve, grow and push not
their own limits but the limits of music in general. few other bands that
the capacity.  but i was saying that there are similar aspects to their
that may not appeal to the masses.  i also agree that the major reason they
not widely accepted is the lack of desire for intelligence in art and music.
don't know that it is a conscious desire, but it saddens me nonetheless.  it
could also be the lack of promotion by their record company.  in the music
industry, as any exec will validate, it is often hit or miss.  you could
out with two identical bands and depending how you promote them and the
number of variables that come into play along the way, the end result could
entirely opposite.


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