I agree with almost everything here except the Cursive comments. I think
the breakup is a Dan/Jeremy issue, because their styles are growing so much
further apart. earlier on (Diary), you couldn't tell who did what. Now they
have two very different and distinct ways of writing lyrics and/or music.
How can I tell? I like the stuff Jeremy does and I completely hate the
stuff Dan does.  I've met Dan, and he is a very nice guy, but what he does
musically is what I consider to be junk. Bands almost always break up over
personal issues, if it were a time bomb thing they would just find a new
label (i know it's been said, i'm just pushing it in).  And the way i see
it, the fact that Jeremy and Will (or,if i have to be specific: SDRE
without Dan) are doing a project together only confirms that. I don't know
what else to say. ask me some questions. this may not even make sense,
seeing as to how i can't even keep my eyes open at this time of night

Peter Dobill wrote:

> ok, well ive been ruminating over the events that have
> transpired with sdre over the past months and i
> decided to share my opinions . . .
> the breakup has got to be dan vs. jeremy. bands dont
> break up over record contracts or bad promotion, they
> move to another label. its just a p.r. excuse so they
> dont split their fans up over a personal issue. im not
> saying that its hatred between the two or anger with
> the work, but it seems like its 2 different views of
> where sdre was headed. going from the introspective
> masterpiece How It feels . .. to  The Rising Tide is
> extremely drastic. the direction sdre was headed with
> songs like The Sharks. . . and Guitar and Video Games
> doesnt add up with most of the material on The Rising
> Tide. It seems to me that The Rising Tide was a
> overtly Dan Record. Not that dan isnt a good song
> writer or lyricst (the things he did on diary and how
> it feeld are amazing) but that the songs which are on
> TRT are really obviously dans music and dan's new
> lyric approach. the problem that i have with TRT is
> that you can tell right off the bat which songs are
> dans and which songs are jeremys, and the lyrics that
> dan wrote for the album arent that great. what made
> sdre so important and powerful with their first three
> albums was the intensely personal songwriting approach
> that gave you slices of a story or inner emotional
> battle. when dan starts to sound off on stuff like
> Snibe and Killed By An Angel and television its
> completely boring. art is made through dealing with
> yourself to become universal when its actually
> personal. dan's approach on TRT to most of the lyrics
> is vague, unemotional diatribes about general issues
> that really dont get any emotion across. Jeremys songs
> like The Ocean, Tearing in My heart and Faces in
> Disguise, Rain Song, Fool in the Photograph, work alot
> better and get some emotion across cause he doesnt
> tell you the whole story and tackles personal issues.
> Im not saying TRT is bad, cause its a sonically good
> album with some good songs, but Its not what they were
> headed with How It Feels . ..  it just doesnt make any
> sense. .  . anyways to my main point, i think Jeremy
> wanted to go with the more subtle, softer material to
> develop sdre's sound where dan was trying too hard to
> please the fans clamoring for more rocking songs and
> coming up with bland lyrics. im certain the
> jeremy+will project will make some of the best music
> of this decade, with many subtle layers, haunting
> songs and amazing lyrics as jeremy always writes
> really great lyrics.
> next thing, why in gods name isnt there a b-sides cd.
> its not like there are 400 songs that have to be gone
> through, theres like what, maybe 15-20 songs that
> could be released and i cant believe sub pop doesnt
> want to cash in on them still. my idea: a double cd-
> disc 1: b-sides, rarities and demos/ disc 2: selected
> live performances (94, 98-00) and radio sessions. it
> would make me happier tashn anything to get some of
> the really great songs like spade+parade, 9, bucket of
> Chicken in cd quality, digitally mastered and mixed
> along with some band selected performances of their
> favorite songs, not sub pop picking a show or crudely
> taping a show to cash in.
> the VH1 thing is really hard to fathom since as been
> stated before there is nothing on Fugazi or Sonic
> Youth. I mean SDRE is one of the most important punk
> acts in history by creating a distinct sound that has
> inspired a sect of the emo genre to completely rip
> them off in most cases. i mean if you look at it
> theres Minor Threat and Black Flag for Hardcore and
> Fugazi(+rites of spring if you need to be anal) and
> SDRE for the "emo" (i really hate usuing that word)
> genre. but its hard to believe a station that plays
> such shit as david gray, janet jackson, lifehouse of
> whatever flavour of the month would actually do
> something on a really great band.
> anyways im open to arguing anything i said, so write
> me, and not the list thank you, for replies. and buy
> every Cursive cd you can get your hands on. its worth
> every penny and then some.
> Peter
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