I have had one gripe with similar comments as this. Why does everyone keep
demanding that SDRE has "evolved, progressed, advanced, etc." All they have
done is CHANGED. 99% of the comments I have read regarding TRT and SDRE
suggest that they have evolved into something much better, as  chimp to
man, when all they have really done is changed into something else. they
are no better, they are just different. Though, personally, I believe they
are not all they used to be, or could be. Read the lyrics to Diary, then
read the lyrics to The Rising Tide, then read the lyrics to Diary again.
COME ON. evolution? progression? how can a sane person argue that this is

ryan wrote:

> i am going to say one thing concerning the discussion
> of 'the rising tide'....
> i think that as we listen to it....we need to remember
> what sunny day real estate has done over the years...
> we need to remember that they have NEVER failed to
> re-invent themselves as a band...
> with each album they are changing, shaping, and
> advancing themselves...
> i mean come on....
> anyone who respectively listens to sdre knows this...
> to me...i think trt is a musical masterpiece..
> it sounds full, complete, and near perfection...
> and i do not care what anyone says....
> jeremy's voice is absolutely amazing on this album...
> i hear complaints..about him singing the entire album
> in falsetto....
> well...why can't his voice progress along with the
> music....i know for a fact that it is fuckin hard to
> sing in falsetto with such power, control, and range
> as he does......
> so how bout we all respect that.
> nothin' but love for you all.
> ryan
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