I'm 24, and I agree wholeheartedly.  Why do people waste their time trying to make 
themselves seem "cool" to other people?  Who gives a rat's ass who thinks you're cool, 
hip, or in-the-know?  A problem I have found is people alienating each other because 
they're not "indie" enough...  who gives a shit?  I love a lot of the indie rock out 
there, but I don't where a sweater or wear black horn-rimmed glasses (or any of the 
other "indie stereotypes").  I just love the music.  THat's what it's supposed to be 
about, anyway... am I wrong?


>In a message dated 12/1/2001 11:15:07 AM Eastern >Standard Time, 
>...I have found that they are more cliquey then those >without.  I have regular 
>silver framed glasses and I >am a kindergarten teacher.  I am friendly to all but I 
>>have felt very let down by those black rimmed glasses >people who won't even smile 
>back at me.  
>im 26. i think its because were both too old to care >about being "cool" 

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