14.11.2014 15:24, Bozhan Boiadzhiev wrote:
> Hi, 
> i have a laptop with resolution 1366x768 and SeaBIOS doesn't have such.
> Please, if it is possible, someone who can, to add this resolution to 
> vgasrc/bochsvga.c.

It is not sufficient to just add that resolution to seabios list.
I mean, it is not only bios which should have support for it.

For example, qemu/kvm will not work with it.

The problem here is that 1366 is not dividable by 8.  In other words,
each line on the screen does not end at a byte boundary in memory.
This is a very weird resolution.  Most devices which actually implement
it use 1368x768 and just crop two vertical one-pixe-wide lines on both

> According to this page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Display_resolution,
> resolution 1366x768 is used by 26% from Web users,
> based on stats from 
> http://gs.statcounter.com/#resolution-ww-monthly-201401-201404-bar

This does not look real.  Being a very weird resolution, with very
few devices available in stores all around, it can't be real.

But even if it _is_ real, it does not make this resolution any
less weird.


/mjt, who added it once to seabios (not a rocket science to add 3 lines
      to vgasrc.c) just to discover that qemu crashes once (windows)
      guest tries to switch to it

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