I have done further exploration and have a new proposal.

I found that USB to serial port adapters are not standardized.

So instead, what about adding NDIS to do USB tethering plus a tcpip stack
to create a virtual modem that would allow you to do:


Then I could connect my Chromebook to my Android phone using the standard

Would most of this be able to use existing code?

On Thursday, 15 September 2022, Paul Edwards <mutazi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a new variation on this problem.
> I have a Chromebook with seabios loaded.
> But the Chromebook doesn't have a serial port.
> I could get a USB to com port adapter.
> But I would like seabios to drive this so that I can use int 14h in my os.
> Is that something that exists or could be added?
> Note that the Chromebook doesn't appear to have an Ethernet port either,
> so any solution using that won't work either.
> Thanks. Paul.
> On Friday, 6 August 2021, Paul Edwards <mutazi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Gerd.
>> Thanks for your reply. Sorry for the delay, was swamped
>> with other things.
>> Currently I don't know what to recommend, because I
>>>> don't understand the other side of the INT 13H/14H,
>>>> only the OS side.
>> Well, the other side talks to the hardware,
>>> and needs drivers to do so.  See src/hw
>> Surely one can write a serial driver which connects to a remote place
>>> using some bluetooth protocol instead of talking to a 16550.  That'll
>>> be *alot* of work though, you basically have to implement both
>>> bluetooth stack and hardware driver.
>> I expected to assemble, rather than write, such a thing.
>> If not from the Linux source code, then FreeBSD or
>> ReactOS.
>> If for some reason (what would that be?) no-one has
>> abstracted bluetooth to have a clean interface that I
>> could have trivially reused, then I will put aside my
>> bluetooth dreams and switch to a different technology.
>> How about Wifi? Does that exist in a state usable for
>> my purposes?
>> Sure. For now, I want PDOS/386 to remain traditional.
>>>> When I have exhausted everything that is possible
>>>> via the BIOS, I will consider adding UEFI support.
>> If you want your firmware provide drivers to you for modern hardware you
>>> are in a *much* better position with UEFI.
>> Well, on some/many/most modern machines there is
>> absolutely no other choice - the BIOS doesn't exist,
>> even as CSM.
>> There is a bluetooth
>>> protocol specification for example, although I'm not sure how common it
>>> is to find an actual uefi driver for bluetooth hardware in the firmware.
>>> Talking to ethernet using the firmware-provided uefi driver shouldn't be
>>> much of a problem though b/c network boot is a rather standard feature.
>> Ok, maybe in the medium term I should use a hardware
>> device, forget the name, that turns ethernet into Wifi.
>> So then the problem is reduced to me needing to provide
>> a BOOTX64.EFI that converts INT 14H into UEFI ethernet
>> calls.
>> But I'd like to transport all of that software, designed for
>>>> that environment, and change nothing at all, and have
>>>> it work on a new environment that includes Wifi, bluetooth
>>>> and maybe ethernet, and maybe infrared, and maybe
>>>> other things I don't know about, but make sense (at
>>>> some level) to be accessed via INT 14H.
>> Well.  In the server world it is rather common to provide access to the
>>> serial line over the network for system management purposes.
>> One approach for that is to have a separate management controller (bmc),
>>> and the serial port of the machine is linked to the management
>>> controller instead of a D9 socket.  You can then connect to the bmc to
>>> manage the machine, and one of the options available is to get serial
>>> console access.
>> Ok, this would allow me to have a BBS.
>> But not allow me to have a "virtual modem" so that I can
>> dial out.
>> Another approach is to have a virtual 16550 provided by the firmware.
>>> Accessing the virtual 16550 will trap into SMM mode where the firmware
>>> emulates a serial device and allows to access the serial port remotely
>>> over the network, roughly comparable to how qemu provides an virtual
>>> 16550 to virtual machines.
>> Ok, but in the case of qemu I have the same issue - at the end
>> of the day I want to drive a modem, so with qemu I can get it
>> to talk to a "virtual modem". If the firmware is providing the
>> serial to network conversion, I also need to stick in a virtual
>> modem there. And that's what I was hoping SeaBIOS would
>> allow me to do.
>> Note that both approaches work at hardware level not int14h level,
>>> because modern operating systems use int14h services in bootloaders
>>> only if at all.
>> My operating system, PDOS/386, may not be considered "modern",
>> even though it is in active development, but I do wish to use
>> INT 14H, as that was the traditional BIOS service provided, and I
>> wish to maintain contact with the original 80386 machines.
>> I expect a modern environment to have the CPU, memory etc
>> required to support this basic interface.
>> BFN. Paul.
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